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students & schools



student activism


Fridays for Future movement


In August 2018 Greta Thunberg (then 15 years old) sat in front of the Swedish Parliament every day for three weeks to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis, holding up a sign that read Skolstrejk för klimatet (school strike for the climate). She posted her actions on Instagram and Twitter, and the hashtags #FridaysForFuture and #Climatestrike soon spread and prompted students and adults to protest to their own parliaments all over the world.


On 20 September 2019 millions of people (including thousand around the UK) joined the third global climate strike. This was the largest climate strike so far with organisers reporting that over 4 million people participated worldwide. In the UK this was co-ordinated by the UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN), who called for a 'Green New Deal' to restructure our economy to ensure a liveable, healthy environment, planet and future, and to secure quality, well-paid green jobs. 




schools initiatives


Plastic-free schools (Surfers against Sewage)

Pupil-led education programme run by Surfers against Sewage. Teachers and school staff can register to become a plastic-free school. 


Eco Schools

Pupil-led programme to get the school and wider community involved in environmental projects.


Less Plastic

9 ways to reduce plastic in your school




Resources for kids


National Geographic Kids


Young Upstart

Hub of information for young people who realise that our planet is in a mess, and who want to do something about it.



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