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Environmental Law 


Plan B

UK-registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) established to support strategic legal action against climate change. 

Plan B brought the recent legal challenge to the Government’s plans to expand Heathrow Airport. On 27 February 2020 the Court of Appeal allowed the appeal of the judicial review challenge by Plan B and Friends of the Earth and declared the Airports National Policy Statement (NPS) to be illegal, on the grounds that the Government had failed to assess the plans against the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.  (R (Plan B Earth and others) v Secretary of State for Transport and others [2020] EWCA Civ 214


Environmental Law Foundation

National UK charity that helps people use the law to protect and improve their local environment 


The Law and your environment

Information site run and funded by the UK Environmental Law Association which provides information for members of the public on environmental law. Mainly covers the legal position in England although there is some information on Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Ecocide Law

Website of UK-based not for profit company Ecological Defence Integrity (EDI) whose remit is to facilitate the establishment of a crime of ecocide under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.  


Stop Ecocide

Public-facing global campaign launched in 2017 by NGO Ecological Defence Integrity Ltd (EDI) to raise awareness of ecocide law.


Client earth

Charity that uses the power of the law to protect the planet and the people who live on it. Lawyers and environmental experts fighting against climate change and to protect nature and the environment.


Center for International Environmental Law

Uses the power of law to protect the environment, promote human rights, and ensure a just and sustainable society.  US-based.

The May 2019 report by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) stated that urgent, ambitious action is necessary to stop the climate impact of plastic, concluding that the following actions are required to stem the production and flow of plastic packaging:-


  • ending the production and use of single-use, disposable plastic 

  • Stopping development of new oil, gas and petrochemical infrastructure

  • Fostering the transition to zero-waste communities.

  • Implementing a system where polluters pay for the impact of their products (known as extended producer responsibility).

  • adopting and enforcing ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including plastic production


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