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Action - where to start?


Individual action or system change? 


The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) is the main cause of global warming. In order to limit the use of fossil fuels and replace them with renewable and cleaner sources of energy, massive changes need to be made on a system-wide basis by Governments, corporations and industries across the globe. 


Read the Greenpeace Climate Manifesto to understand what practical steps the government needs to do now in areas such as housing, transport, agriculture, that will help prevent climate breakdown.



Individual action


Individuals also need to make changes to our lifestyles in order to help prevent further climate change and to tackle the plastic waste crisis. These environmental crises are global problems, and it is tempting to think that our individual actions are so insignificant that we cannot possibly make any difference. However, individual actions are important because of the message they send to others, even if they may not have a material effect on climate change or the plastics crisis. Individual actions can have a ripple effect - if we see others taking environmental concerns seriously (and taking action), this encourages others to as well, and so on.  This then helps create a place for governments and businesses to take action too, and encourage others to do the same.


Here are some excellent articles explaining how we can act on climate change:-


The Guardian - One year to save the planet: a simple, surprising guide to fighting the climate crisis in 2020


BBC Futures - Ten simple ways to act on climate change


Friends of the Earth - Overconsumption and the environment.


Greenpeace - individual action: what you can do about climate change


The Guardian - how to reduce your carbon footprint



Or for a quick read:-





  • consume less - we are using up natural resources faster than the earth can replenish them

  • refuse unnecessary packaging or materials, especially single-use plastic

  • reduce food waste - throw less away, buy in bulk to reduce packaging

  • re-use or repurpose packaging where possible

  • invest in good quality items, and repair them rather than replacing them - from clothes to household goods

  • buy less meat, fish, milk, cheese and butter

  • eat locally-sourced and seasonal food

  • walk or cycle short distances rather than driving

  • take trains and buses instead of planes

  • insulate homes

  • plant trees and encourage rewilding 

  • demand low carbon in every consumer product

  • help put pressure on governments and corporations to change:- 

    • join a protest movement or group

    • go on a climate strike

    • lobby MPs

    • boycott polluting companies

    • sign petitions

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